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電影《羅根好好運》影評:No doubt it's a "hillbilly heist film", it is also an inspirational film in


I was immediately intrigued by this film with just a unconsciously glance at the preview which happened to be shown in one of the TV at HK's Central subway on my way to work in an ordinary morning. In the screen, Daniel Craig dressed like an inmate and spoke in a weirdly cute American southern accent that I barely understood what he was talking about during that 3 seconds, followed by Channing's loser face in worn construction-worker-like uniform. Hey, Hey, where is my favorite spy and where is girls' mouth-watering male striper? Ok, I am seeing it.

The crew and the cast have done an conspicuously good job:

Ever since he became the new Bond, Daniel Craig has cultivated a refined taste for characters he wants to present to the public. In one interview, I remember he said he did not want to tie with charismatic James Bond for the rest of his life and wished to have no part in the spy movie any more after successful performance in three series. He definitely blew my mind through depicting a seemingly-clever-convicted safecracker (but an actual simple-minded dumbass). Who says the simple-minded southern man is not utterly adorable as James Bond when he wrote down the chemical equation for making bombs to show that he really knows how to explode?

Of course, Daniel Craig maybe the precise reason for me to watch this movie. The orchestration of Steven Soderbergh is no doubt the every reason that the movie excelled. One might think, as the director of Ocean 11, 12 and 13 and an Oscar winner, Soderbergh is way too smart to remain at this level to direct just a funny hillbilly heist film and he is not up to being one of the greatest talent young director he was applauded by his fans after four-years dormancy by making a low-key entertainment with less legendary and epic insight and surrounded by great actors playing different kinds of weirdos. On the contrary, "not putting on airs" is the precise reason for its success as shared by both of the fans and film critics. If it had been directed by some new-comer whom you have never heard of, I am sure the rate will be much more welcoming and palatable at least on Douban and IMBD. 7.1 is definitely not bad, but it is clearly underrated.

As sophisticated as a talented filmmaker like Soderbergh who may find directing a caper film as easy as baking cookies, the film would not have been so smoothly orchestrated in a cheerfully silly and serious mocking spirit if the script had not been filled with brilliantly-knotted plots and twists, for example, as the former football player, Jimmy Logan, seems to be the kind of guys who is all brawn and no brains but he even writes down a ten-step plan before the rob, and he follows it, one of the few wishes that the inmates attempt to get from the well-designed riot in the prison is the latest new books of "Game of Thrones" (nice try!), let alone the final giving-back-but-still-getting-some (sorry, can't say more on the ending). It is very interesting that there has been a wide guess about the identity of the female screenwriter "Rebecca Blunt". After all, it is rarely seen from a female writer who would like to and also is capable of delivering such an unalloyed good script for a caper film; not to mention it is her first credit. So people were wondering whether it was actually Soderbergh himself who used to have a thing of using a pseudonym in his film. No matter who she (he) is, that person certainly the second-in-line contributor for the success of the film, although it is also Soderbergh and the cast who allow the script to thrive in the screen.

By the way, there will not be a better title to the film than "Logan Lucky". Just with these two simple words it gives out the main characters of the film without revealing any bit of the plot; it puzzles the audience in the first place but the latter will find it perfectly captures the spirit it is trying to deliver after finishing the movie; it seems to imply a much larger conversation but essentially one will know it is only a story about how two out-of-luck-all-time loser brothers reverse their destiny by making use of everything they have.


總結一下,索德伯格的這部新喜劇犯罪片子還是在各方面都讓人耳目一新,豆瓣分數雖然仍屬高分,但還是苛刻了。影片表現出行雲流水的團隊搭配(編劇+演員+導演+音樂+化妝/服裝),不能因為大導演沒弄一個爆米花綠幕科幻電影沒選一個厚重的社會問題題材沒昇華一個宏大的主題,就不給片子應該有的評價。There is no shame of being excellent within one's means. 突破不是個能天天就來的東西。

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